DIY Outdoor lights are the favorite things of most people ever. They create perfect settings with loved ones for dinners and form great memories of happy moments under the stars.
If you also love outdoor, you are sure to get inspired by DIY outdoor lights that are easy and enchanting. These can be done using the things from your home. There is no need to rush to the market to buy more expensive items.
Cover canning jars make the best outdoor lights once they are given translucent glass paint and are hung them from chord fixtures. They create the best cluster of colorful lights. The same goes with paper bag lanterns. You can make small slits in the paper bags that may be with you and cover string lights. And for a party vibe add hanging ribbons. This also keeps the paper bags in place.
Turn old wine bottles with the help of a wick and some basic hardware into snazzy torches. It needs to be done with care when kids are not around you. If you have smaller kids at home who will be behind you, it is best to consider a Dollar store basket to be transformed into DIY outdoor lights. This beautiful lighting can be done using dollar store basket with a light and a simple chain.
Fill water in a tin can, freeze it, and using a nail and hammer punch a design. Once the ice melts, you can paint the exterior of the can giving different color shades. Once you confirm it has dried completely, insert light and hang them outdoors, they will look best in different colors.
Using hanging railing jars is also simple as you can create wire hangers to hold the jars and hang them in your balcony or portico. They are the best DIY outdoor lights.